Magnifique Irakoze is an assistant lecturer at University of Rwanda in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, he is the current vice president of World Association of Trainees in obstetrics and Gynecology, he did his bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery ,
Dr Magnifique has a special interest in Sexual reproductive health and Women’s Health , Magnifique is National Trainer on family planning and has led and facilitated different training on SRH in various organizations and institutions Magnifique is certified social medicine “Beyond the biological causative of diseases” trainer he did the course in Uganda,Gulu University.
He has experience in Young people led activities on SRH, he held different positions including President of Rwanda medical student associations, Regional director for international federation of Medical students Associations and immediate former vice president of African Youth and Adolescent Network for Population and development , He is currently serving as a member of Youth For UHC Movement at the African Region